Phosphorus (P) is one of the major macronutrients for crops and is a main factor constraining the growth and development of crops worldwide in soil (Raghothama 1999). Low recovery rates of phosphorus fertilizers throughout the season increase rice production costs and cause water pollution (Conley et al. 2009). Therefore, breeding and using phosphorus-efficient crops is essential for sustainable farming. A deficiency in phosphorus (P) can cause various physiological issues in rice, including stunted growth, fewer tillers, slender and weak stems, and a reduced number of grains per panicle. These effects ultimately lead to decreased rice yields. In Asia, about 60% of rain-fed lowland rice is cultivated in areas with poor soil that naturally lacks phosphorus or has a high phosphorus-fixing capacity.
Breeders have increasingly focused on developing rice genotypes with enhanced phosphorus efficiency. Among these efforts, the
Thus, the identification of more genetic factors involved in tolerance to P deficiency, especially from new genetic resources, is valuable. In this study, we performed GWAS analysis to identify the genetic composition of low-P tolerance in rice using NK rice genotypes which has not been extensively utilized for the genetic studies. Haplotype analysis was performed to identify significant known or unknown genes associated with low-P response.
In this study, a subset of 190 NK rice cultivars was selected from an initial collection of 4,000 NK rice varieties maintained at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in Los Baños, Philippines (14°35'N, 120°58'E) in 2010. These cultivars were chosen based on their non-precocious flowering and normal growth characteristics. The NK rice accessions at IRRI are conserved for germplasm preservation and future domestication potential. To prepare the seeds for germination, they were surface-sterilized using a 1% sodium hypochlorite solution, followed by rinsing with deionized water. The seeds were then germinated at 30°C for 3 days. After germination, the seedlings were cultivated in Yoshida's nutrient solution (Yoshida et al. 1971). The seedlings were hydroponically cultivated for 40 days in a greenhouse at Hankyong National University, located in Anseong-si, South Korea in March 2023. Each rice genotype was planted in six replicates. The nutrient content of the Yoshida solution used in this study was as follows: 1) 40 ppm NH4NO3 for nitrogen, 2) 10 ppm NaH2PO4⋅H2O for phosphorus, 3) 40 ppm K2SO4 for potassium, 4) 40 ppm CaCl2 for calcium, 5) 40 ppm MgSO4⋅7H2O for magnesium, 6-1) 0.5 ppm MnCl2⋅4H2O for manganese, 6-2), 0.05 ppm (NH4)6Mo7O24⋅4H2O for molybdenum, 6-3) 0.2 ppm H3BO3 for boron, 6-4) 0.01 ppm ZnSO4⋅7H2O for zinc, 6-5) 0.01 ppm CuSO4⋅5H2O for copper, 6-6) 2 ppm FeCl3⋅6H2O for iron, 6-7) 0.02 ppm C6H8O7⋅H2O, and 6-8) 0.006 ppm H2SO4. The hydroponic beds were maintained at pH 5.0, and the Yoshida solution was replaced weekly. For the control group (normal-P condition, NP), we used the traditional Yoshida solution (10 ppm NaH2PO4⋅H2O). For the treatment group (low-P condition, LP) we used a modified solution with phosphorus concentration reduced to 1 ppm, which is 1/10th of the normal-P condition.
After 40 days of hydroponic cultivation, we conducted phenotyping on the 190 NK rice population (NK190) for eight agronomic traits: chlorophyll content (SPAD), shoot length (SL), shoot fresh weight (SFW), shoot dry weight (SDW), root fresh weight (RFW), root dry weight (RDW), and tiller number (TN). The relative low-P (RLP) value was calculated using the following formula: RLP = (low-P / normal-P) x 100. The relative low-P traits include chlorophyll content (RSPAD), shoot length (RSL), shoot fresh weight (RSFW), shoot dry weight (RSDW), root fresh weight (RRFW), root dry weight (RRDW), and tiller number (RTN). The phenotype data averaged from six biological repeats were compiled into a phenotype data file and used for GWAS analysis.
The GWAS analysis utilized the Fixed and Random Model Circulating Probability Unification (Farm-CPU) v2.07, implemented through the rMVP R package, which is recognized for its efficiency in memory usage, enhanced visualization, and parallel processing capabilities (Lipka et al. 2012). In this study, 1,048,576 SNPs were chosen based on specific criteria, including a minor allele frequency of at least 0.05, a maximum missing data rate of 25%, a minimum genotype quality of 30, and a sequencing depth of at least 5, with all filtering conducted using PLINK. To manage linkage disequilibrium (LD), SNP pruning was performed using PLINK v1.9 with the command (--Indep-pairwise "50 5 0.2"). Genomic regions ranging from 100 kb to 1 Mb around the lead SNPs were identified as potential candidate regions for gene discovery, guided by LD analysis. The LD patterns between lead SNPs and adjacent SNPs were assessed through pairwise genotype correlations (R2), calculated using the R2 command in PLINK v1.9 (Purcell et al. 2007). Haplotype analysis was subsequently carried out, excluding any genotype data with missing values or heterozygous SNPs and indels. Haplotypes were constructed using all variants, including SNPs and indels, without any restriction on the maximum allele frequency (MAF).
For phenotyping of NK190 rice varieties under low P conditions, 7-day-old plants grown in Yoshida hydroponic solution were subjected to low-P (1 mg/L) treatment for 40 days. Phenotyping was conducted for the eight traits, SPAD, SL, RL, SFW, RFW, SDW, RDW, and TN for low-P stress at the seedling stage of the rice plant. All traits were significantly different between normal and low-P treatment (Fig. 1). Phenotype frequencies of the NK varieties displayed an approximately normal distribution for most agronomic traits with a positive skewness (Fig. 2 and Supplemental Fig. 1).
To identify candidate genes associated with Pi deficiency stress tolerance, we performed a GWAS with the 190 NK rice accessions. GWAS was performed using fixed and random model circulating probability unification (Farm-CPU) v2.07 models. A total of 10,994,201 SNPs were identified and only 1,048,576 SNPs that have the high quality with MAF ≥ 0.05 genotypes were included in the GWAS. Filtered SNPs were used for GWAS with phenotypic data. We conducted GWAS for a total of 16 traits including eight agronomic traits and eight additional relative values. Through GWAS, we identified a total of 166 significant loci associated with all 16 traits under low-P stress conditions using NK rice populations. Of them, six loci were co-localized with the known low-P or PUE-related genes (Fig. 2, Table 1). These loci include Chr11:4404404 (
Table 1 . List of known candidate genes with significantly associated signals identified by GWAS.
Lead SNP | Trait | -log10( | Gene locus | Gene name | Function | References |
Chr11:4404404 | SPAD | 7.97 | Os11g08340 | Auxin responsive | (Huang et al. 2023) | |
Chr09:11764480 | RL | 6.88 | Os09g20990 | Trehalose-6-phosphate synthase | (Kumar et al. 2021) | |
Chr10:16796006 | RL | 7.25 | Os10g30770 | Phosphorus transporter | (Chang et al. 2019) | |
Chr07:26694717 | SL | 8.79 | Os07g44710 | Calcium dependent protein kinases | (Li et al. 2022) | |
Chr06:12559478 | RSL, RRFW | 7.05 7.09 | Os06g21950 | Phosphorus transporter | (Wang et al. 2014) | |
Chr09:9926197 | RSL | 7.49 | Os09g16510 | Transcription factor | (Dai et al. 2016) |
Table 2 . List of novel candidate genes with significantly associated signals identified by GWAS.
Lead SNP | Trait | -log 10( | Gene locus | Function |
Chr11:7129860 | RL | 7.31 | Os11g12530 | Receptor-like protein kinase 5 precursor |
Chr11:9811597 | SL | 8.21 | Os11g17600 | Root hairless 1, putative, expressed |
Chr02:9125731 | SFW | 12.35 | Os02g16040 | Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme |
Chr02:25743591 | RFW | 6.17 | Os02g42820 | Putative actin-binding protein and transcription factor |
Chr07:6242548 | TN | 7.48 | Os07g11310 | LTPL166 - Protease inhibitor/seed storage/LTP family protein precursor |
Chr02:9662605 | SFW | 10.67 | Os02g16940 | Putative Subtilisin homologue |
The candidate gene analysis identified several known genes (
We selected six novel genes based on the highest -log10 value and performed LD and haplotype analysis. LOC_Os11g12530 is located approximately 118 kb away from the lead SNP Chr11:7129860 (
We also performed an
This study was designed to explore the genetic basis of P deficiency tolerance in rice using a unique population of NK190 rice genotypes. The NK rice varieties have not been extensively utilized in genetic studies, offering a new genetic pool with the potential to uncover novel genes and pathways involved in low-P tolerance. Through GWAS, this research successfully identified both known and unknown genes associated with P-deficiency tolerance, contributing valuable insights into the genetic architecture of this trait.
Six known genes―
WRKY transcription factors, particularly OsWRKY74, were also identified as key players. OsWRKY74 regulates several phosphate starvation-induced (PSI) PHT1 genes, thereby enhancing tolerance to low-P stress by modulating root architecture and increasing P concentration in plants under deficient conditions (Dai et al. 2016). A study also found that WRKY transcription factors are broadly involved in nutrient acquisition and stress response regulation (Jiang et al. 2017). This study also provided additional data showing that
Auxin signaling plays a significant role in the plant's response to phosphorus deficiency, as indicated by the association of OsGH3.12 with the SPAD trait (Figs. 4c and 4n). OsGH3.12 is part of the GH3 family, which is involved in auxin conjugation, and plays a role in leaf development and yield traits (Jain et al. 2006; Narawatthana et al. 2023). Its identification in this study suggests its potential involvement in root architecture regulation and stress responses, contributing indirectly to improved phosphorus acquisition under deficiency conditions. We also identified OsCPK30, a gene associated with the SL trait under low-P conditions (Figs. 4i and 4q). As a member of the Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinase (CDPK) family, OsCPK30 is crucial for nutrient transport regulation and conferring tolerance to various stresses, including drought, salt, and abscisic acid (ABA) (Wang et al. 2019). OsTre6P, another gene identified in this study, was associated with RL traits (Figs. 4a and 4m). The downregulated expression of OsTre6P in low P tolerant genotypes under stress conditions suggests its involvement in the plant's adaptive mechanisms to low phosphorus availability (Kumar et al. 2021). Our findings revealed the genetic basis of low-P response in the NK rice genotypes. The six known genes, including phosphate transporter, WRKY transcription factor, and auxin-responsive genes, were identified as major genes playing a significant role in P deficiency tolerance in NK190 rice.
In addition to the known genes, we also uncovered several novel genes that are yet to be fully characterized for their roles in low-P tolerance. Notably, some are known to be involved in abiotic stress tolerance. For instance, LOC_Os02g16040 participates in the abiotic, biotic, and hormonal transcriptomes, as reported in a study analyzing 373 genome microarrays (Narsai et al. 2010). LOC_Os11g12530 exhibited downregulated expression under heat stress conditions (Tariq et al. 2019), while LOC_Os02g16940 was highly expressed under both biotic and abiotic stress conditions (Tyagi et al. 2022). The discovery of these unknown genes leads to a study into their specific roles in P deficiency tolerance. These genes may be involved in previously unexplored pathways or regulatory networks, offering potential new targets for genetic improvement. The integration of these novel genes into breeding programs could significantly improve the resilience of rice to P-deficient conditions, ensuring stable yields in challenging environments.
This work was by the Cooperative Research Program for Agriculture Science and Technology Development Project of (RS-2022-RD010405) Rural Development Administration and the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (No. RS-2023-00253851).
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