We conducted this study to select useful germplasms for investigating the agricultural performances and content variations of proximate composition, fatty acid, and isoflavone of the soybean germplasms grown at two different latitudes, Suwon (37°16′N) and Yeoncheon (38°12′N), Republic of Korea. The days to flowering of the soybeans grown at Suwon was early by 1 day compared with that at Yeoncheon whereas the days to maturing of the soybeans were not different by latitudes. The Yeoncheon-cultivated soybeans were greater in growth and yield than the Suwon. The crude oil in range of 17.0% to 20.0% had a positive correlation with the yield. There was a strong negative correlation between oleic acid and saturated fatty (palmitic and stearic) acid contents in the seeds producted at Suwon but the Yeoncheon were not significant. The linoleic acid in seeds of the germplasms was contained by 7.3-fold more than the linolenic acid. The malonylgenistin content was the highest among the detected isoflavones and Deapung had the highest total isoflavone content. The content of total isoflavones in the Yeoncheon-producted seeds was high more than that in the Suwon whereas those of Hei nong 44(hou), Tachikogane, and B152 grown at Suwon were significantly lower rather than those at Yeoncheon. However, the difference of latitude seemed to play an important role in the content variations of growth, yield, and fatty acids and isoflavones in the germplasms. Eventually, Tie dou 44 and WIR3722, which were stably outstanding in all the investigated aspects regardless of the growing locations, were selected as useful germplasms.
As economic margin is growing up due to economic growth and increase of the income, interest and demand of health supplement food and diet for healthy longevity are increasing. Accordingly, scale of a domestic market for health supplement food has approached up to a net sales of 1,800 billions won in 2012 (MFDS 2013) and studies for cultivation, production, and improvement of high functional crop also are consistently growing up (Kim 2013).
There are many reports that ingestion of soyfood prevents senescence, cancer, and cardiovascular disease including arteriosclerosis because soybean plentifully contains diverse functional components such as isoflavone and saponin (Hawrylewicz
However, soybean is a very outstanding material crop for nutritional health food and soybean consumption is increasing as of 2011 whereas the gross production of domestic soybeans as of 2005 (183,000 ton) was consistently decreasing during the 10 years to 2015 (103,000 ton) (KOSTAT 2016). Accordingly, breeding objectives to develop soybean variety for resolving the imbalance of production and demand of soybeans are diversified with not only high yielding ability but also usability such as high functionality, and tolerance to diseases, insect pests, and stresses (Kim
For this reason, we carried out this study to select useful germplasms via investigating agricultural characteristics and analysis of principal component contents of the germplasms that were collected in world wide including China, a major producer of soybean, and then to obtain basic informations from the useful germplasms for breeding of superior soybeans with high quality.
The experimental soybean materials for this study are a total of 153 germplasm accessions and 3 Korean domestic varieties as check varieties, which were collected in world wide, China (92), North Korea (23), Japan (14), Russia (11), Canada (3), Czech (3), France (3), Netherlands (1), Germany (1), Hungary (1), Kyrgyzstan (1), and which were distributed from the National Agrobiodiversity Center, Rural Development Administration (RDA), Republic of Korea. After sowing in plant pots on June 4th, 2015, the germinated seedlings were transplanted at 70×15 cm spacing to the soybean plots in two different experimental test fields, Suwon (37°16′N) and Yeoncheon (38°12′N), difference in distance of about 1° latitude, at growth stage V1, June 15th, 2015. The soybean plots were treated with a basic granular fertilizer at N-40, P2O5-70, K2O-60 (kg/ha) before transplanting and were managed by the soybean standard cultural practices of National Institute of Crop Science after transplanting. Agronomic yield-related and quality characteristics were measured according to the agricultural science technology standards for investigation of research of RDA, Republic of Korea (RDA 2012).
The harvested soybean seeds were ground into powder under size of 1.0 mm in an ultraspeed-centrifuge mill (ZM 100, Retsch, Haan, Germany) and then used for analyzing principal composition contents.
Proximate compositions were analyzed according to the recommandation of Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC). The drying method by heating (105°C) under normal atmospheric pressure and the direct ashing incineration method by heating (600°C) were used for measuring contents of moisture and crude ash, respectively (AOAC 1990). Crude oil was extracted by diethyl ether using Soxhlet extractor (Soxtec System HT 1043 extraction unit, Foss Tecator, Höganäs, Sweden) and then the extract was weighed for measuring the content (Kim
We employed and modified the method of Garcés and Mancha (1993) to extract fatty acids from soybean seed. The ground seeds of 0.3 g were mixed with a reagent containing methanol:heptane:benzene:2,2-dimethoxypropane:H2SO4=37:36:20:5:2 (v/v) then heated at 80°C to be able to simultaneously occur digestion and lipid trans-methylation reactions in a single phase. After heating, the hot plate was turned off for cooling down the sample. The cooled upper phase containing the fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) was injected into a GC-MS system Agilent 6890 GC & 5973 MS (HP Co., Wilmington, DE, USA) equipped with a HP-Innowax capillary column (30 m×0.25 mm× 0.25 μm, cross-linked polyethylene glycol, HP Co.). We used a standard linear regression model prepared with FAME Mix (C14–C22, Supelco, Bellefonte, PA, USA) to quantify amount of each fatty acid. Separation was started from 1 μl injection in pulsed splitless mode (2 minutes initial at 150°C, ramped at 4°C minutes−1 to 280°C) with nitrogen as a carrier gas (constant flow, 1.0 ml min−1).
Isoflvones were analyzed using a modification of the method of Kudou
ANOVA was conducted with SAS 9.2 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). Multiple comparisons between samples were performed by the least significance difference method based on three independent biological each (n=3).
The accumulated temperatures of Suwon and Yeoncheon regions during whole period of growth of the germplasms after transplanting, from June 15th to October 5th, 2015, were 2,727.4°C and 2,457.4°C, respectively, which were higher by 13.2°C and 96.6°C, respectively, than those of the normal years (1981–2010) (Table 1). The respective amounts of precipitation of Suwon and Yeoncheon regions declined to 38.7% and 71.8% relative to that of the normal years (Table 1). The sunshine duration of Yeoncheon region at the normal years was greater by 26.5 hours than that of Suwon and those of Yeoncheon and Suwon regions increased by 292.6 and 170.4 hours in 2015 more than in the normal years, respectively (Table 1).
The days to flowering of the Suwon- and Yeoncheon-grown germplasms were longer by about 15 and 16 days, respectively, compared with those of the Suwon- and Yeoncheon-grown domestic varieties, Daepung, Cheongja, and Pungsannamul (Table 2). While the soybeans grown at Suwon bloomed 1 day earlier than that at Yeoncheon, the days to maturing was not different between two regions (Table 2). The germplasms were smaller in stem length relative to the domestics and the Yeoncheon-cultivated germplasms was higher than the Suwon (Table 2). Yield per plant of the Yeoncheon-harvested germplasms was also greater by about 10.0 g than that of the Suwon but the domestics were greater in yield per plant over 6.0 g compared with the germplasms regardless of the growing locations (Table 2). However, because the average of yield per plant of the soybeans grown at Suwon was 22.6 g (Table 2), we preferentially selected the 23 germplasms among the 153 germplasms in company with 3 domestic varieties, which were produced over the average at all two regions (Table 3). Among the selected soybeans, yields per plant of Jilin 53, He 96–448, Tie dou 44, Ao mame, Tachikogane, Jijori, and WIR3722 were stably greater at all two regions relative to all the selected soybeans and/or the domestic varieties (Table 3). We used the 26 selected soybeans to more accurately select useful germplasms via analysis of principal components.
The moisture, crude ash, and carbohydrate contents and calorie in seeds of the selected soybeans were distributed differentially by cultivated regions. Number of the Yeoncheon-grown soybeans which had over 7.0 g of moisture and 5.0 g of crude ash in 100 g seeds was samller than that of the Suwon whereas no. of the Yeoncheon which contained over 34.0 g of carbohydrate and 440 kcal of calorie in 100 g seeds was bigger rather than that of the Suwon (Fig. 1). The crude protein and oil contents depending on regions showed a negative correlation (Fig. 2). The regional variations of crude protein and oil contents were not significant but the respective differences in contents of crude protein and oil by varieties were different by 7.0 and 6.0 g/100 g. When the contents of crude oil of the soybeans were in range of 17.0 g/100 g to 20.0 g/100 g, it showed a strong positive correlation (R=0.6825) between the yield per plant and the crude oil content (Fig. 3). The 6 germplasms grown at Suwon, including Qian wu ta, and the 8 germplasms grown at Yeoncheon, including Jin 200, were selected as useful germplasms, which were greater than the crude protein content in seeds of other investigated soybeans, and which the contents of crude oil were in range of 17.0 g/100 g to 20.0 g/100 g. However, Tie dou 44, Ao mame, Jijori, and WIR3722 among the germplasms were useful germplasms in common at Suwon and Yeoncheon.
The investigated soybeans contained a palmitic acid content of 11.4% to 14.5%, a stearic acid content of 2.4% to 6.8%, an oleic acid content of 18.5% to 36.4% (Fig. 4A, B). It showed a strong negative correlation between oleic acid and saturated fatty acid (palmitic and stearic acid) contents in seeds of the Suwon-investigated soybeans (Fig. 4A, B) but not in seeds of the Yeoncheon. However, the ω-6 (linoleic acid) was higher by a fold of 7.3 than ω-3, and the ratio of ω-6 to ω-3 (linoleic acid) in seeds of the Yeoncheon-investigated germplasms was lower rather than that of the Suwon (Fig. 4C). CS 02678 among the germplasms grown at Yeoncheon had the lowest ω-6/ω-3 ratio, a fold of 5.9, and the ratio (6.3) of WIR3722 among the germplasms grown at Suwon was the lowest (Fig. 4C).
Distributions of isoflavone aglycone contents in seeds of the investigated soybeans by cultivated regions were not different whereas the aglycones were detected in little or a little level of content (Fig. 5). Malonyldaidzin and malonylgenistin in seeds of the investigated soybeans were contained more by 3 and 6 folds relative to daidzin and genistin, respectively, but malonylglycitin and glycitin were similarly detected (Fig. 6A–C). However, malonylated isofalvone glycoside of genistein, 6″-0-malonylgenistin, was the highest in content (Fig. 6B). While analyzing the variation of content of isoflavones depending on regions, it was confirmed that the distribution of content of each glycoside in seeds of the Yeoncheon-cultivated germplasms was wide more than that of the Suwon but in case of the malonylated isofalvone glycosides were not different at all two regions (Fig. 6A–C). The ratio of glycoside contents in the Yeocheon-harvested seeds to that in the Suwon-harvested seeds was relatively higher compared with other isoflavones, aglycones and malonylated isoflavone glycosides, and regional variations of contents of daidzin and genistin in the domestic varieties were greater relative to that in the collected germplasms except for glycitin (Table 4). Daepung had the highest total isoflavone content but Qian wu ta was the lowest regardless of region (Fig. 6D). The content of total isoflavones in seed of He feng 95–873 among the collected germplasms was the highest in line with the level of Daepung regardless of region (Fig. 6D). However, the content of total isoflavones in the Yeoncheon-investigated soybeans was generally higher relative to that in the Suwon (Fig. 6D). Hei nong 44 (hou) was the highest variety in variation of total isoflavone contents regardless of region, and the content of this variety grown at Suwon declined by 40% rather than that at Yeoncheon unlike other varieties (Table 4, Fig. 6D).
Although the genotypic and phenotypic characteristics of crops are primarily related to climate, the response of crops to the different weather variables is quite complex and difficult to describe. Neverthless, there were reported that economical production (Ok
Even though the crude ash and moisture in seeds of the investigated soybeans were contained in range of those in seeds of the domestic and the imported soybean cultivars of previous study (Ryoo
Because it was known that palmitic and stearic acids are related to cholesterol synthesis (Lee
The contents of the extracted isoflavone aglycones in seeds of the investigated soybeans were unlikely to be identical with previous studies (Moon
According to the analysis of the components in our study, the variations of component contents in seeds of the germplasms were determined by genetic and/or environmental factor as critical factor(s). However, we confirmed that ueful germplasms among the investigated germplasms can be selected depending on breeding objectives via analysis of agricultural traits and component contents. Ultimately, Tie dou 44 and WIR3722 among the investigated germplasms were outstanding germplasms, which were great and stable in yield and growth and which the content variations by environmental factors, such as latitudes and weather conditions, were lower relative to other soybean germplasms.
This research was supported by RDA grant PJ009330012016.
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