Plant Breeding and Biotechnology : eISSN 2287-9366 / pISSN 2287-9358

Fig. 4.

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Fig. 4. Bio-PCR assessment using race 9-specific primer (XccR9-2F2-2R1) to detect 27 samples from infected cabbage leaves after inoculation with strains of Xcc races 1-9. Lane M: DNA ladder (100-bp); Lane 1-3: race 1; Lane 4-6: race 2; Lane 7-9: race 3; Lane 10-12: race 4; Lane 13-15: race 5; Lane 16-18: race 6; Lane 19-21: race 7; Lane 22-24: race 8; Lane 25-27: race 9; +ve1: positive control of gDNA of race 4, +ve2: positive control of gDNA of race 9; -ve: negative control of distilled water.
Plant Breed. Biotech. 2024;12:157-74
© 2024 Plant Breed. Biotech.