Fig. 6. Expression pattern of known and novel candidate genes under low- and high-P treatments. Transcripts data were downloaded from the TENOR database ( Transcriptional expressions of
OsGH3.12 (a),
OsCPK30 (b),
OsTre6P ©,
OsPT3 (d),
OsPT10 (e),
OsWRKY74 (f),
LOC_Os02g16040 (g),
LOC_Os02g16940 (h),
LOC_Os04g24820 (i),
LOC_Os11g17600 (j),
LOC_Os07g11310 (k), and
LOC_Os11g12530 (l) under low-P (LP) and high-P (HP). M, mock treatment.
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