Fig. 3. Manhattan plots and quantile-quantile (Q-Q) plots for GWAS on the low-P stress related traits of NK rice accessions. Manhattan and QQ plots for SPAD (a, b), root length (RL) (c, d), shoot length (SL) (e, f), shoot fresh weight (SFW) (g, h), tiller number (TN) (i, j), relative shoot length (RSL) (k, l), and relative root fresh weight (RRFW) (m, n) in FarmCPU model with rMVP. The horizontal red line indicated thresholds (-log10 (p) = 5.934) indicating the significant SNPs correlated with the low-P response. Known and novel candidate genes are marked above lead SNPs. For Q-Q plots, the horizontal axis represents expected -log10 (p), and the vertical axis is observed -log10 (p) of each SNP. The SNPs that had p-values deviated from the linear indicate reasonable positives.
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