Plant Breeding and Biotechnology : eISSN 2287-9366 / pISSN 2287-9358

Table. 5.

Table. 5.

Comparative response of maize inbreeding depression to stem borer artificial infestation environment (Ibadan).

Population Era S0 S1 I A D A/d
TZSR-W-1 1 2.03 1.91 5.78 0.90 0.12 7.65
DMR-LSR-W 1 2.99 2.05 31.38 0.56 0.94 0.59
DMR-LSR-W 1 1.63 0.52 68.26 ‒0.30 1.11 ‒0.27
TZSR-Y-1 1 2.93 1.06 63.95 ‒0.41 1.87 ‒0.22
ACR99TZLCOMP4-DMRSR 1 2.44 0.97 60.18 ‒0.25 1.47 ‒0.17
BR9922DMRSR 2 2.81 1.39 50.56 ‒0.02 1.42 ‒0.01
BR9928DMRSR 2 2.21 2.56 ‒15.95 1.46 0.35 ‒4.13
BR9943DMRSR 2 2.48 2.44 1.63 1.20 0.04 29.59
AMATZBR-WC2B 2 2.74 1.11 59.52 ‒0.26 1.63 ‒0.16
TZBRELD.4C0-W 2 2.38 1.59 33.15 0.40 0.79 0.51
Mean 2.46 1.56 35.85 0.33 0.33 0.90

Values S0 represents the genotypes per se, S1 is the inbreeding effect (I) Where A represents the potential contribution of homozygotes and d deviation due to the heterozygotes.

Plant Breed. Biotech. 2023;11:235-41
© 2023 Plant Breed. Biotech.