Plant Breeding and Biotechnology : eISSN 2287-9366 / pISSN 2287-9358

Table. 1.

Table. 1.

List of the studied genotypes. Cultivars (1-28), breeding line (29-75).

Serial. No. Germplasm name Serial. No. Germplasm name
1 Aghrani 39 8044
2 Akbar 40 8049
3 BARI Gom- 19 41 8056
4 BARI Gom- 20 42 8059
5 BARI Gom- 21 43 9002
6 BARI Gom- 22 44 9003
7 BARI Gom- 23 45 9004
8 BARI Gom- 24 46 9005
9 BARI Gom- 25 37 9006
10 BARI Gom- 26 48 9007
11 BARI Gom- 27 49 9009
12 BARI Gom- 28 50 9010
13 BARI Gom- 29 51 9011
14 BARI Gom- 30 52 9013
15 BARI Gom- 31 53 9014
16 BARI Gom- 32 54 9017
17 BARI Gom- 33 55 9018
18 BINA Gom- 1 56 9019
19 Barkat 57 9020
20 Durum 58 9022
21 Kalayan Sona 59 9024
22 Kanchan 60 9025
23 Kheri 61 9026
24 Pavon- 76 62 9033
25 BARI Gom-18 63 9035
26 Sonalika 64 9036
27 Sonora- 64 65 9037
28 Triticale 66 9040
29 2030 67 9042
30 3015 68 9043
31 5006 69 9044
32 6049 70 9045
33 7023 71 9048
34 7041 72 9055
35 8010 73 9056
36 8011 74 9057
37 8023 75 9060
38 8036
Plant Breed. Biotech. 2021;9:185-98
© 2021 Plant Breed. Biotech.