Plant Breeding and Biotechnology : eISSN 2287-9366 / pISSN 2287-9358

Table. 3.

Table. 3.

Details of foreground and background selection in different generations.

Generation No. of plants screened No. of plants confirmed Background selection RPGC (%) No. of Plants selected based on high % RPGC Plants selected based on high % RPGC

No. of plants selected No. of primers
F1 98 12 (Lox2lox2) - - - - -
BC1F1 165 59 (Lox2lox2) 24 150 72.00-83.00 5 80.00-83.00
BC2F1 127 54 (Lox2lox2) 9 51-60 84.00-94.33 5 91.33-94.33
BC2F2 1109 250 (lox2lox2) 35 17-26 89.33-96.66 8 94.33-96.66
BC3F1 96 31 (Lox2lox2) 31 8-13 96.66-98.00 5 98.00
BC3F2 1200 260 (lox2lox2) 260 6 96.33-98.66 12 97.66-98.66
Plant Breed. Biotech. 2020;8:163-73
© 2020 Plant Breed. Biotech.