Plant Breeding and Biotechnology : eISSN 2287-9366 / pISSN 2287-9358

Cited by CrossRef (14)

  1. Bingfu Guo, Liping Sun, Siqi Jiang, Honglei Ren, Rujian Sun, Zhongyan Wei, Huilong Hong, Xiaoyan Luan, Jun Wang, Xiaobo Wang, Donghe Xu, Wenbin Li, Changhong Guo, Li-Juan Qiu. Soybean genetic resources contributing to sustainable protein production. Theor Appl Genet 2022;135:4095
  2. A Krisnawati, M M Adie. Morpho-chemical evaluation of soybean genotypes across tropical agroecosystem. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 2019;230:012106
  3. Manju Kumari, Siddhant Ranjan Padhi, Sushil Kumar Chourey, Vishal Kondal, Swapnil S. Thakare, Ankita Negi, Veena Gupta, Mamta Arya, Jeshima Khan Yasin, Rakesh Singh, Chellapilla Bharadwaj, Atul Kumar, Kailash Chandra Bhatt, Rakesh Bhardwaj, Jai Chand Rana, Tanay Joshi, Amritbir Riar. Unveiling Diversity for Quality Traits in the Indian Landraces of Horsegram [Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam.) Verdc.]. Plants 2023;12:3803
  4. Charlène Gbedo, Elodie Arnaud, Caroline Strub. Traditional Legume Seed Fermentation Processes: What is the Individual Impact of the Cooking and Fermentation Stages on the Degradation of Anti-Nutritional Factors?. Food Reviews International 2024:1
  5. SULAIMAN A. AL YOUSEF. Control of seed born mycobiota associated with Glycine max L. Merr. seeds by a combination of traditional medicinal plants extracts. 2021;45:1403
  6. I. M. Raievska, A. S. Schogolev. Genetic variation in four maturity genes and photoperiod insensitivity effects on the yield components and on the growth duration periods of soybean . Regul. Mech. Biosyst. 2023;14:55
  7. Mukti Singh, Michael J. Bowman, Mark A. Berhow, Neil P. J. Price, Sean X. Liu. Application of near infrared spectroscopy for determination of relationship between crop year, maturity group, location, and carbohydrate composition in soybeans. Crop Science 2021;61:2409
  8. Zhou Zhou, Naoufal Lakhssassi, Mallory A. Cullen, Abdelhalim El Baz, Tri D. Vuong, Henry T. Nguyen, Khalid Meksem. Assessment of Phenotypic Variations and Correlation among Seed Composition Traits in Mutagenized Soybean Populations. Genes 2019;10:975
  9. Huilin Hong, Mohsen Yoosefzadeh-Najafabadi, Istvan Rajcan. Correlations between soybean seed quality traits using a genome-wide association study panel grown in Canadian and Ukrainian mega-environments. Can. J. Plant Sci. 2022;102:1040
  10. Sungwoo Lee, Kyujung Van, Mikyung Sung, Randall Nelson, Jonathan LaMantia, Leah K. McHale, M. A. Rouf Mian. Genome-wide association study of seed protein, oil and amino acid contents in soybean from maturity groups I to IV. Theor Appl Genet 2019;132:1639
  11. Rupesh Tayade, Krishnanand P. Kulkarni, Hyun Jo, Jong Tae Song, Jeong-Dong Lee. Insight Into the Prospects for the Improvement of Seed Starch in Legume—A Review. Front. Plant Sci. 2019;10
  12. Songnan Yang, Long Miao, Jianbo He, Kai Zhang, Yan Li, Junyi Gai. Dynamic Transcriptome Changes Related to Oil Accumulation in Developing Soybean Seeds. IJMS 2019;20:2202
  13. Jelena M. Golijan, Danijel D. Milinčić, Radivoj B. Petronijević, Mirjana B. Pešić, Sladjana P. Stanojević, Miroljub B. Barać, Slavoljub Lekić, Aleksandar Ž. Kostić. Comparison of sugars, lipids and phenolics content in the grains of organically and conventionally grown soybean in Serbia. 2021;108:51
  14. Sanjeev Kumar Dhungana, Jeong-Hyun Seo, Beom-Kyu Kang, Ji-Hee Park, Jun-Hoi Kim, Jung-Sook Sung, In-Youl Baek, Sang-Ouk Shin, Chan-Sik Jung. Protein, Amino Acid, Oil, Fatty Acid, Sugar, Anthocyanin, Isoflavone, Lutein, and Antioxidant Variations in Colored Seed-Coated Soybeans. Plants 2021;10:1765